aArray ( )
WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1581 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2024-09-05 16:16:47 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-09-05 15:16:47 [post_content] => [post_title] => WHY WE INVESTED IN KYOMEI [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => why-we-invested-in-kyomei [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-26 09:20:15 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-26 09:20:15 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://happinesscapital.com/?post_type=quote&p=1581 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => quote [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw )
Their mission-driven approach and long-term view, combined with their focus on connectivity and fresh thinking, adds value in unique ways setting them apart from traditional VC firms. It's refreshing and gets people talking and wanting to be involved.
Meir Wachs
CEO, Kyomei
Industry sector
Cambridge, UK

How Kyomei is scaling bioprocessing to revolutionize food production

Kyomei seeks to radically improve the productivity and economics of agriculture to address an impending food insecurity crisis. Climate shocks have already reduced global farming yields by 20%, putting existing agricultural systems under extreme stress. To exacerbate this problem, food production must increase 60% by 2050 to feed a growing population with no incremental land or resource expansion. Leaves – up to 40% of many crops’ biomass, are often wasted at harvest, an agricultural inefficiency the planet can no longer afford.

Kyomei addresses this challenge with a biotechnology platform that enables the development and production of a wide range of food ingredients within the leaves of existing edible crops. Kyomei bio-engineers plants to grow high-value specialty proteins in their leaves and then extracts these proteins alongside  nutrient-rich, functional plant protein side streams that are naturally present in green leaves.

Supporting farmers by repurposing agricultural waste

Kyomei’s core innovation is a molecular farming platform that turns plants into biofactories for specialty and other food ingredients, focusingon the utilization  of agricultural crop waste, specifically the leftover leaves from harvest, into high-value functional proteins and specialty ingredients. Traditionally, this biomass would decompose in the fields, contributing to potent nitrous oxide emissions without generating additional value. Kyomei puts the waste to work. Using their patented and unique approach to  molecular farming and bioprocessing, Kyomei genetically programs crops to express specialty proteins in their leaves, integrating this trait into the seeds that farmers already use. Kyomei’s solution uses existing land, established farming practices, and the same resources that farmers use for their current crops, ensuring a seamless process from growing to harvesting that does not damage the existing crop and adds significant value to the once-wasted leaves. At harvest, instead of discarding leaves, farmers can work with Kyomei to deliver them to Kyomei’s processing facilities, capturing new revenue streams. Finally, Kyomei extracts high-value specialty ingredients and natural Rubisco proteins from the leaves for use as food ingredients by their customers.

Kyomei’s Green Ex platform enables  this process and is designed to extract and process not only valuable specialty proteins but also other  functional proteins present in the biomasswith numerous  applications in the food industry. Their food-grade approach , provides a sustainable solution that reduces waste and maximizes the utility of the entire plant. This technology also lowers farming’s carbon footprint by utilizing parts of the plant typically discarded, transforming them into valuable, marketable ingredients.

The dual advantage of Kyomei’s technology is clear: it supports farmers by creating new revenue streams from crop waste, while also offering the food industry natural, sustainable ingredients that align with the preferences of health-conscious consumers. This systemic and integrated approach benefits both agriculture and the environment by reducing waste and providing a cleaner alternative to traditional, resource-intensive food production methods.

Producing healthy ingredients

Consumers are increasingly wary of artificial additives like methylcellulose, soy lecithin and xanthan gum in processed foods, often seen as unhealthy and unfamiliar. There is a growing push to replace these with natural ingredients more in line with “real food” that consumers recognize.

Kyomei is prioritizing producing high-demand ingredients that are difficult to procure at scale from their natural sources by developing natural production systems and substitutes for these additives. For example, their Rubisco protein can serve as a natural substitute for artificial emulsifiers, stabilizers, and gelling agents commonly used in processed foods, addressing the growing consumer demand for clean-label, natural ingredients and reducing reliance on ingredients associated with ultra processed foods like methylcellulose, lecithin, and xanthan gum. 

Partnering for sustainability

Happiness Capital has been instrumental in supporting Kyomei through its long-term, mission-driven investment approach, which perfectly aligns with Kyomei’s vision of turningplants  into biofactories for valuable ingredients. This partnership has provided Kyomei the time and resources needed to refine their technology and explore new markets. Additionally, Happiness Capital’s extensive network has connected Kyomei with new investors, helping to accelerate their growth and expand their impact within the agricultural and food sectors. This collaboration continues to drive meaningful, sustainable change.

Turning waste into wealth

Global food security is profoundly threatened by climate change, and the planet desperately needs the farming sector to accelerate changes to sustainably and healthfully feed a growing population. Kyomei’s  innovative molecular farming platform and Green EX technology are scalable across crops and proteins, offering a powerful  solution with wide-ranging applications. Kyomei’s solution increases food production and farm incomes using the same land and crops, driving a necessary shift towards a more resilient, prosperous agricultural system that centers both human and planetary health. 

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